APBIO Co., Ltd. offers solutions with the reliability and ease of use required for
the nucleic acid extraction process across various fields of life science research.
As molecular biology techniques have been developed and widely used nowadays,
the demand for preparation of pure nucleic acids has increased in a wide variety of fields.
Various methods of nucleic acid preparation have been introduced to the research fields, but among them,
the technology of selectively adsorbing nucleic acids to silica materials under chaotropic
salt is the most widely used due to its simplicity, reproducibility, and economy.
By applying this technology, an automated preparation method using silica-coated magnetic particles
has been introduced and widely used recently for the rapidly increasing demand for nucleic acid preparation.
AP(Advanced Preparations)BIO has made a lot of effort over the past 20 years to develop
and supply more convenient and reliable solutions for the preparation of nucleic acid in the various research fields.
Accordingly, as a brand specializing in nucleic acid preparation, we have a lot of solutions
and know-how that can solve the requirements of various research fields.
In the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we have had the opportunity to prove the excellence of the technology
by exporting a large number of nucleic acid-extracted products overseas,
and we have been working with many institutions and suppliers to develop the technology for various fields including clinical trials.
APBIO will continue to develop technologies and know-how that have been accumulated for a long time and always provide products of a consistent quality in the right time to help research and development and inspection work in the field of life science.
APBIO의 대표 이니셜 ‘A, P’와 DNA의 형상을 결합한 디자인입니다.
이는 생명과학 분야에 필수적인 핵산추출 목적에 있어 항상 진보된 기술과 방법을 추구하는 바이오 기업임을
상징합니다. 또한 메인 컬러로 사용된 블루는 각각 정확한 결과, 결과의 신뢰성을 상징합니다